Monthly Archives: July 2021

AGV Mining is recognized as one of the top mineral exploration company in Nigeria

AGV Mining is recognized as one of the top mineral exploration company in Nigeria, since it offers geological consulting and mapping, as well as geophysical, drilling, assaying, sampling and prefeasibility services, as per international standards and norms adopted by the industry. As such, we are fully aware that our operations affect local communities on many levels: socially, environmentally and economically. Therefore, and in addition to providing locals with new employment opportunities, we seek to fulfill their basic needs by implementing infrastructure, water, education, housing and health projects in the areas where we carry out our activities. Indeed, our aim is to improve the living conditions of host communities who are generously cooperating with us.

As a leading mineral exploration company in Nigeria, AGV Mining has undertaken Phosphate exploration works in Sokoto

As a leading mineral exploration company in Nigeria, and within the scope of its collaboration with the Nigerian Geological Survey agency (NGSA), AGV Mining has undertaken Phosphate exploration works in Sokoto. Indeed, the country holds large deposits of underexplored phosphate reserves, and has spent years relying on importing fertilizers for its crops. This why, some years ago, Nigeria’s federal government launched a Presidential Initiative on Fertilizer (PFI) to support the domestic blending of NPK fertilizer and to reduce its importation. A major mineral nutrient for plants, Phosphate allows their optimal growth and reproduction, increasing grain production and improving the quality of the crops. AGVM is proud to have been selected for this project and cherishes the role it is playing in helping reduce the challenges being faced by local farmers.

AGV Mining has been collaborating with the Nigerian Geological Survey agency (NGSA) on different projects

AGV Mining has been collaborating for the past few years with the Nigerian Geological Survey agency (NGSA) on different projects, including the National Integrated Mineral Exploration Project (NIMEP). Together, we are promoting the economic development of the country by providing reliable and updated geo-science information that is crucial for foreign parties who are considering making mining investments in Nigeria. Known as an expert and advanced mineral company, AGV Mining has been entrusted with several activities that aim to unlock the mining potential of Nigeria and attract the international mining community.

AGV Mining provides its clients with credible analyses, findings and surveys

As a leading and advanced mineral company in Nigeria, AGV Mining provides its clients with credible analyses, findings and surveys. Indeed, we abide by the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves “JORC” and seek to offer investors and their advisors reliable and trusted information that will allow them to make wise investments according to estimated risks. Our chief geologist is JORC accredited and his assessment of the viability of a project is based on his long expertise in evaluating risks and uncertainties. Our clients can rest assured that they will be handed a thorough report that will allow title holders attract investments.

AGV Mining is experienced in Greenfield reconnaissance and exploration

AGV Mining’s qualified geologists and team of experts have a strong experience in Greenfield reconnaissance and exploration. They have achieved successful mineral findings in unexplored areas thanks to their predictive skills and expertise in large-scale remote sensing and on-site surveys. Their expertise in developing successful mineral exploration strategies helps them identify risks at an early stage of the project, mainly during the pre-feasibility stage. Therefore, they can provide reliable guidance and advice to clients concerning potential investments in mineral titles.

An Integrity Compliance Program has been specifically developed for AGV Mining company

An Integrity Compliance Program has been specifically developed for AGV Mining company, reflecting its main values and stressing on the commitment of all employees to ethical practices, from senior management to field workers. For this purpose, compliance trainings are regularly organized to highlight the ethical standards our company expects from its staff. Violations of conduct, policies, local and international laws will be closely monitored and sanctioned. Moreover, we will keep working on identifying new areas of concern in order to develop solutions and prevent infractions from occurring.