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A.G.V. Mining a modern and leading mineral exploration company in Nigeria

As a modern and leading mineral exploration company, A.G.V. Mining realizes the importance of regularly reviewing and updating...

A.G. Vision Mining’s Code Ethics

Within the scope of its Code of Ethics, A.G. Vision Mining company gives priority to minimizing the negative...

A.G. Vision Mining’s Compliance Program

A.G. Vision Mining’s Compliance Program covers the company’s own policies and procedures, as well as international integrity policies,...

A.G.V. Mining’s Integrity Compliance Program reflects its core values and transparency

The Integrity Compliance Program that was specifically developed for A.G.V. Mining company reflects its core values and transparent...

AGV Mining is recognized as one of the top mineral exploration company in Nigeria

AGV Mining is recognized as one of the top mineral exploration company in Nigeria, since it offers geological...

As a leading mineral exploration company in Nigeria, AGV Mining has undertaken Phosphate exploration works in Sokoto

As a leading mineral exploration company in Nigeria, and within the scope of its collaboration with the Nigerian...

AGV Mining has been collaborating with the Nigerian Geological Survey agency (NGSA) on different projects

AGV Mining has been collaborating for the past few years with the Nigerian Geological Survey agency (NGSA) on...

AGV Mining provides its clients with credible analyses, findings and surveys

As a leading and advanced mineral company in Nigeria, AGV Mining provides its clients with credible analyses, findings...

AGV Mining is experienced in Greenfield reconnaissance and exploration

AGV Mining’s qualified geologists and team of experts have a strong experience in Greenfield reconnaissance and exploration. They...

An Integrity Compliance Program has been specifically developed for AGV Mining company

An Integrity Compliance Program has been specifically developed for AGV Mining company, reflecting its main values and stressing...